Thursday 19 December 2013

Call Sheet


This is Lillian Jordan who we've chosen to be our main female protagonist in our thriller film which we've called "Hallucinate". 

This is Jess Hodson who we've chosen to be our back-up actress for our thriller film if Lillian is unable to attend the days of production.

This is Nick Gard who we've picked to be the male antagonist for our thriller film

Viewer Ratings

In Britain today there is an age rating system that rates the viewing age group based on the films, games and even books. The BBFC (British Board of Film Classification) determines the age groups suitable for viewing films. They rate films mostly by these:

U- Universal, suitable for all age groups. For example; All Disney films

PG- Parental guidance is needed for younger viewers; Rango

12/ 12A- Suitable for people aged and over 12. Contain mature films, drug use and swearing mostly. For example; Scary Movie, Spiderman.

15- Suitable for people aged and over 15. Contains strong violence, mature films, limited swearing, drug use and not many sexual clips. Film example; The Dark Knight, 

18/ R18- Suitable for people aged and over 18. Contains strong violence, mature films, strong swearing, drug use, explicit sexual activity and references, strong gore etc. For Example; Kill Bill, The Descent.

Animatic for the FIlm Opening

This is the Animatic for out Thriller Film Opening sequence. It shows the starting scenes of our Thriller Film opening scenes.


This storyboard is a brief walk-through of the frames we'll be using to shoot out thriller film. We aim to have a tense atmosphere with sharp transitions

Clock ticking Foley for the Film Opening.

This is the foley (soundtrack) for our thriller film opening. It consists  only of a clock ticking. This will maybe build suspense for the audience as if it is ticking down to something. I had to make it into a video file because Blogger doesn't support audio files.

Tuesday 17 December 2013

Monday 9 December 2013


This is one of the locations we'd like to film out thriller when the female protagonist is having a flashback of being mugged. This long road in Stone is usually empty which adds to the "deserted" feel we're trying to create in our thriller. In this large space filled with nothing but trees and cliffs, the protagonist in our film would feel inferior, paranoid and vulnerable

The lakes at Bluewater Shopping Center could be another possible location for our thriller film when the protagonist is remembering the event that triggered her anxiety.

One of the bedrooms in my house is going to be used as the female protagonist's room where the majority of the thriller opening would be filmed. We plan to arrange the items on the desk neatly and in some sort of excessive clean order so the audience can fully understand how heavily affected the protagonist is by previous events.

Problematic Studios opening titles sequence

To create this title sequence. I (Liam) took many screen shots of the gears at different movements and the spanner coming in at different times. I then compiled these images into Final Cut to make them into almost a stop-motion video. I then placed the video into after effects to add the lens flare.

Scene Walkthrough Map Script/Timeline

  1. Problematic Studios logo

  2. Black screen (Scream builds ups up then dead silence as it transitions to next scene)

  3. (Ticking clock in background) looking at desk

(Every time the clock ticks the scene changes)

  4. (Clock ticks and scene changes) looks at bookshelf

  5. (Clock ticks and scene changes) looks at stacked boxes

  6. (Clock ticks and scene changes) looks at girl

  7. girls staring at ceiling

  8. girl gets out of bed

  9. girl walks to mirror

10. girl looks at self in mirror (Triggers hyperreality sequence)

11.  As she starts her daily routine, everything she does triggers a flashback/hyper-reality

12. Brief flashbacks of her being mugged, assaulted and being terrified

13. Girl attempts to leave the house but has a panic attack due to continuous flashbacks and hyper-reality, unable to determine what's real and what's manifested



Female Protagonist: The protagonist will have two different sets of clothes, pone for reality, and another for the hyper reality state.

When the female protagonist is having flashbacks/switching back and forth from hyper-reality, she'll be wearing clothes that make her stand out as an individual and clearly being the main character
Male thief/mugger: We'll dress this character in dark colours and urban clothes to show he's a character who's trouble and is capable of wrong doings. Stereotypical clothing for a thug/thief/criminal

Monday 2 December 2013


To prepare for the filming of our thriller, iv made a asset list so we know what we are going to need in our thriller before we shoot;

- knife

the knife is the only used prop that we have, it will be used by the mugger that will be seen in the hyperreality shots (the protagonists visions).

- clock
- books
- mirror
- neatly stacked objects
- bed

this set of props are to be used in the protagonists bedroom, every prop will be neatly placed and stacked to express the protagonists OCD triggered by the incident.

Parity Filming Process

On Thursday 28th November, our production group filmed our Parity shooting in the male toilets in Goals. We managed to film this in the space of an afternoon. We did a recce before hand were we just filmed a couple of shots off of our shot list that we had previously made. We had written down the camera shots that we were going to use, and had time scales written down to list the events in chronological order.

Sunday 17 November 2013

imdb thriller audience research

To understand what kind of audiences were interested in specific films, we used IMDB and looked at the user ratings of some thriller films to get an idea of what age we should target our own thriller film for.

Thursday 14 November 2013

Production Group Logo

We made this logo to represent the theme of our production company. It portrays that there is a "spanner in the works" which links to situations being problematic

Monday 11 November 2013

Test footage of our Thriller Film

To get a rough idea of what our opening two minute sequence, we created a small sample of what our thriller film could look like. Without giving away too much about the story in the first few moments of the opening, we created a basic idea of what themes and characters our film would include

Sunday 10 November 2013

Iconic Directors

Alfred Hitchcock

Alfred Hitchcock was an English film director and producer. He is renowned as the best English director and was known as 'The Master Of suspense'. He was most known for directing films that focused on suspense (giving him the nickname), anxiety, fear and twisted endings. The film he was most know for directing for is the 1960's psychological thriller Psycho'. However he has produced other block buster thrillers such as 'North by Northwest' and 'The Birds'.

Christopher Nolan

Christopher Nolan is a British/ American screen writer, film producer and director. He is the youngest director to be honored with a hand-and-footprint ceremony and has received three Academy Awards nominations. He is most famed for his work on 'The Dark Knight' series and for the film 'Inception'. His line of work usually follows the theme of playing on the mind and has mostly produced psychological thrillers.

Martin Scorsese

Martin Scorsese is an American film producer, director, actor and screen-writer and is widely regarded as one of the best directors of all time. Over the years he has received many rewards for his work in the film industry including a AFI Life Achievement award, BAFTA's  and Emmys. He had directed some of the most famed blockbusters such as the 1976 film 'Taxi Driver' and the more recent 2007 film 'Shutter Island' which was Scorsese's highest grossing film.

Vox Pops: audience expectations of a thriller

The questions that were asked to the audience were
1) How old are you?
2) What do you look for in a thriller?
3) What is your favourite thriller film?

From the feedback given, I was able to conclude that most people aged 15-25 enjoy thriller films that include action, a firm storyline, mystery, cliffhangers and entertainment.

Saturday 9 November 2013

Film production Companies.

Revolution Productions:

Revolution Productions is an American film production company that produced films such as 'Black Hawk Down' , 'xXx' and 'Hellboy'. Their logo is an intricate global pattern using simple lines and shapes with the production companies name over the top of it. The colour scheme is chrome silver with the addition of shadows. This gives a simple, yet sophisticated and appealing look to the design.

Screen Gems:

'Screen Gems'is a Sony film production company that produces Thriller and Horror films like 'Hostel' and 'Resident Evil'. Their logo uses a tonal blue colour scheme and uses simple shapes with the company's name and their affiliation with 'Sony'. This logo is more simple than the 'Revolution Productions logo' as this logo uses a 2D layout with no background colour or design. It is still appealing and easy to an audiences eyes, it is also very easy to read and doesn't require too much attention.

Columbia Pictures:

'Columbia Pictures' is another Sony Production company that Produced films like 'Underworld: Awakening' and 'The DaVinci Code'. Their logo is much more intricate that that of 'Revolution Productions' or 'Screen Gems'. It features a statue representing Columbia with a full landscape for a background. This gives more of a traditional rural look for the company. It has a colour scheme using tones from blue and orange with grey tones added for the clouds.

Dream Works Pictures:

'Dream Works' pictures is an animated film production company that made children's films like 'Shrek' and 'Madagascar'. Their logo portrays a man leaning on a crescent moon while fishing. It portrays a cam feeling like the viewers are seeing a dream it is a sophisticated design but is an effective one.

Bad Robot Productions:

'Bad Robot' productions is an American film production company that produced and co-produced films like 'Mission Impossible:III' and 'Star Trek: Into Darkness'. The Logo consists of a small red robot in a silhouetted field. It is a simple logo and fits in with the company name. It also has the company name underneath the main part of the logo with a graffiti like font.

20th Century Fox:

'20th Century Fox' is a major film production company that started in the 20th century. The company has produced a wide range of films including the 'Alien' quadrilogy and 'The Wolverine'. It logo is highly sophisticated and incorperates a lot of sound and lighting. It shows a statue of the companies name in bold font with a 3D effect.

Warner Bros:

Warner Bros is an American film and T.V entertainment company.They produced popular films like the Harry Potter' series and 'Sweeny Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street'. Their logo is a simple one that is normally incorporated into a films opening sequence. It consists of the initials W.B with a bold outline. The logo has been known to change colour depending on the films opening.

Universal Studios:

Universal studios is another American film productions company. They have produce films such as 'The Mummy' and 'Bride of Frankenstein'. Their logo also uses sound and lighting as well. It features the world from a panoramic view with the companies name in bold 3D letters over it. This is a good logo because it is interesting to watch and appealing to viewers.

Orion Pictures:

Orion pictures is an old sci-fi film production company that produced films like 'Robocop' and 'The Terminator'. Their logo is a simple design, consisting of only the name of the company in a futuristic font, coloured blue with a background of stars. This shows the audience that it is famed for doing productions that are based around space or sci-fi themes.

Working Titles Films:

Working Titles FIlms is a British production company that produce films like 'Hot Fuzz' and 'Jonny English'. Their logo is simply their company name in a bold blue font with a fading ring between the two words. It is a simple logo but it's effective because it is appealing to viewers and isn't intricate or hard to look at.